I made a mosaic bench for Ben's Bells!


This past spring, I had the opportunity to create a mosaic bench for the Ben's Bells Celebration of Kindness - and it was amazing! So how did this whole experience happen? It's kind of a funny story about timing. I’ve always been drawn to mosaics and knew I wanted to try it out someday, have been stashing extra tiles and broken bits for that someday and had even just mentioned to someone earlier this year that maybe someday I’d have the time to experiment with making a mosaic something. So, when my friend Helen called right after that conversation (well hello there, universe, good timing!) to see if I’d be up for making a mosaic bench for the Ben’s Bells Celebration of Kindness fundraiser in April 2022, I didn’t even have to think twice before saying yes. Especially knowing that the final piece would go to support such a wonderful organization that works to spreads kindness throughout our community.

The experience of creating this bench has been such a joy and I’m so happy with how the final piece turned out. I also learned so much in the process and hope to make more in the future. And what a fun night it was at Celebration of Kindness on April 23 and seeing the bids for all the benches go up - my bench sold for $1,050!!!!!; knowing they all went home with someone who loves supporting kindness in our community! You can find out more about Ben's Bells and their amazing programs by going to: https://bensbells.org.
Definitely check out my Instagram and Facebook pages for more details on the process of the bench. But here’s a few more pictures for you to enjoy...
The first sketch of the design

Cutting out the pieces

All of the custom tiles I made

The first layout after the glaze fire

Starting to glue down the white background tiles

All done and grouted!

The Kiln Engineer and I ready for the Celebration of Kindness!